Loserfruit Deepfake
Duration: 0:49
Views: 862K
Submitted: 7 years ago
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Loserfruit Deepfake
Loserfruit is a twitch streamer, and on the video she is being fucked from POV perspective. This 'famous person' is a different kind of celebrity, one who gained her fame by doing nothing but playing online video games live for people to watch. Because when your watching people do mundane things on reality TV it's somehow a human garbage activity, but if you watch people do mundane things that you happen to enjoy, then it's a new type of media, and thus new type of celeb is born. Anyway if you are looking to see Loserfruit naked, here is your chance, hopefully more videos of the celeb having anal or oral sex will follow.
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❤️Here you can undress a Girl and see her Nаkеd) Please check it out ➤ https://ja.cat/asexe
What did you use to make this let me know
This bitch is good. I think I have to send her a video, how I mastrubate on her deep fake.
Hey...Hey....Hey...Blade Spine....the real loserfruit, she'll end up fucking, marrying, having children and a future with the type of guy your "pretending" not to be... I've seen it happen time and time again, you think that if you screenshot yourself telling her off you'll end up in her 'circle' and she'll see you as a protector... ..bro you're setting yourself up to be an emotional tampon for women, and when you're all used up they'll discard you....and unserviceable, useless shell of your former self...the only difference is un-like the tampon you'll NEVER...EVER...EVEEEEEER get inside the pussy.
yall niggas are the ones looking it upu
Does no one realise that fake porn is what this entire website is about?
I like how blade spine came back to check on his comment
I don’t jerk off to this as I respect loserfruit too much as a person to do so. Also you spelt watch incorrectly
I like how blade spine came back once to check if any one responded to him and to what the video again to jerk off
If you want more go to reddit and you can find video of loser fruit running around the click house naked
Bro stfu you are the dumb white knight ass bitch that looks this shit up nuts thens like “Oh ThIs WaSn’T gOoD eNoUgH fOr My NeEds” Then fucking comments on it like omfg get a life n3gg3r.
Imagine searching for this and then complaining about it. fuck off you bunch of soyboy white knight fucks
There is so much negative thoughts on this post people are calling for it to be taken down while others are saying it’s art. The truth behind the matter is that it is art as someone put time and effort into this and work hard on it. Not only that but also it’s not bad as it is not harming loserfruit image as the title admits that it’s fake. So to conclude this is art and it does not harm loserfruit image so it’s fine
Um whatever happened to doing dumb shit science
Link to full video
Fuck you man just you say your a fan but ur probs a creep that searched up this video and your saying this stuff because if she finds this video she can see that your sticking up for her so fuck you
Yes, I am a big fan of her and watch her because of her personality, not this sick thing.
So what if I donate hundreds of my hard earned dollars to her every month just to get 15 seconds of attention.
It is MY LIFE and MY MONEY!!!!
You guys ared disgusting losers!!!
Delete this damn it!!!
What the fuck
I think bladespine was/is a fan of loser fruit and has had his hookup fantasies ruined by seeing this fake. Like seriously why waste your precious time to make a comment on something that wouldn’t change anything anyway and calling this video a waste of time to make when you yourself are here wasting your time leaving a comment and what not? You’re dumb. Just appreciate the skill or program that went into creating these morally questionable videos and bust a nut would ya
Damn, Kath! I may need to look at those piercings, sometime.
Go fuck ur self blade spine u searched it up and all the other tags that said hes right u gys searched it up so ur just as bad the guy who created this and by the way dude look really real good job
Whats funny is the guys that are complaining about it are guys that care for her but for some reason wanted to look this stuff up and then proceed to complain ???
I found this on my mates search history I may have to talk to him a bit
A bunch of fagboys of the streamer got triggered by this video.
If u gys day bad thing about dis vid y da fuck u search for it u retards
Also some people make money off of these cuz they have to do it as work, so lkke some others dont talk shit, the creators arent alwayd at fault, it could be the ceo of the company they work for
Just gonna say i just was looking at what deep fakes are and saw this one, i think lufu is attractive so i watched it
Fuck you....fuck the creator....fuckkkkkkkk
it still is nice though the girls tits are big and fluffy and shes cute
Fuck it blade spine is right
Honestly, how the fuck did you guys get here if you didn’t search for it. If it is bad to like this stuff (which is isn’t) we're all as bad as each other. So next time don't come onto a porn video with all your white knight bullshit. Next thing you'll be blaming porn watchers for all of the pornstars amd their life deciscions. You're nit even worthy to watch a video someone has put time and effort into. So please fuck off and keep your mouth shut next time, Blade Spine, Illbedamned, and lololo. Next time don’t waste the fucking time.
Original link pls
You are all a bunch of soy boy white knights jesus
Porn exists to fulfill a fantasy, Blade Spine. That's the entire purpose of things like celebrity fakes and rule 34 (you honestly think that just anyone's gonna try to get a shot with sleeping with a celebrity or some pointy-boobed archaeologist?). And people watch porn for many different reasons. Maybe they can't communicate well with women or other people - keep in mind that this doesn't immediately mean that they're some creepy freak, they might just be self-composed and lonely or whatever. Maybe they might have a very healthy social life but still resort to masturbating to Loserfruit due to a fantasy they have. Everyone has a fantasy, or an idea, or a dream, or a want.
People who make the porn are not much different, maybe they want to express an idea or fantasy (my word of the day, right here...), or help others fuel their own during their fap sessions.
The point I'm getting at is: Don't talk shit about people who want to do these things, either watching or making porn. Yeah, to some people, it might be weird that someone's taking time to make fake porn of an otherwise mostly SFW (hold for swearing) streamer, and people take time to watch and wank to it. But it's their choice. It's their desire, it's their fantasy (I need a fucking thesaurus). Don't talk shit about people just because they like a particular person or thing, especially if you're going to try to pigeonhole the collective group of people who like that particular person or thing.
Porn exists, people watch it, people make it. The reasons vary between the people involved.
Fuck this. I agree with blade spine.
I'd have to agree with bladespine. It's one thing to watch porn. 10 minutes and back to your day but to have the time to actually make this stuff well that's another thing all together. Who's got the time on their hands....
blade spine is a whipped cream head virgin
So what kind of pussy bitch has nothing better to do then make fake porn. My guess is its someone who can't talk to women, someone who is immensely insecure and would never be able pull an ugly slut let alone a beautiful women.
Fucking pathetic. Keep beating off you weak fuck no one's ever going to know your name let alone care enough when you do die. Just think twitch streamers get to make money playing video games where the maker and watchers of porn just take it up the ass everyday.
Quick better go make another porno ya fucking losers.