Park Bo-young Deepfake (Korean Drama) 박보영

Duration: 9:15 Views: 194K Submitted: 5 years ago Submitted by:
Park Bo-Young 박보영is a South Korean actress for films and TV shows. Her most well known films from her include Scandal Makers, A Werewolf Boy, On Your Wedding Day, and You Call it Passion. The TV series Park Bo-Young has been in include: Witch Yoo Hee, Mackerel Run, Jingle Fish, Star’s Lover, Oh My Ghost, Strong Girl Bong-soon, Abyss, and a number of others. For the reality and variety shows Park Bo-Young has been in, include some of the following: Actor & Chatter, Cultwo Show, KCON 2016 New York, Get It Beauty – Self, Section TV, Entertainment Relay, 7-Day Miracle, Park So-Hyun’s Love Game, and a number of others as well. Park Bo-Young has been acting for a long time in her life which started when she was young, her starting film was in a short film called Equal, which won awards. Park Bo-Young really rose to fame around 2006 when the film Scandal Makers which had a partner in the film Cha Tae-hyun which brought in 8.3 million viewers which produced the most profiting film from 2008. Due to some lawsuits, Park Bo-Young also disappeared for about 4 years but came back from around 2012, and put herself back out there from being in the horror film “Don’t Click.” And the other film Werewolf Boy, which past 7 million in ticket sales making it one of the most successful films in Korea. For 2019, Park Bo-Young was in a television network show called Abyss. In terms of current news with Park Bo-Young, she was called in as a guest for a DJ radio host to discuss Love Game, which broadbasted tracks from films and shows talking about the current trends which was on SBS Power FM. A scandal occurred however on the show as there was a segment where guests can call into the show asking questions to Park Bo-Young where she would need to answer anything that comes her way. One of the questions that happened on the show was if Park Bo-Young was going to display a Park Bo-Young celebrity porn video for her fans to watch, and if the recent Park Bo-Young deepfake porn was known to people. Park Bo-Young was very flustered about the question and tried to deflect it, however the question itself was very direct she could not say anything. Instead Park Bo-Young had somewhat admit that there was a Park Bo-Young celeb porn on some fan websites and that people should not look at it. But as well all know telling someone not to do something entices people to attempt it even further. Park Bo-Young’s PR team obviously caught wind of it attempting to purge the Park Bo-Young nsfw celeb porn, but to no avail thousands of people downloaded it to their computers and phones and the company itself is trying to sue those who have their IP logged to it. However those with vpns were safe, luckily one of the fans sent us the Park Bo-Young deep fake porn and we are happy to show you it! So here it goes, the Park Bo-Young nudes and Park Bo-Young sex tape!
Categories: Korean Sensual Asian Milf
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