Elizabeth Olsen - Double Cheating...Again!
Duration: 10:28
Views: 9.3K
Submitted: 11 months ago
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Elizabeth Olsen - Double Cheating...Again!
elizabeth olsen
reverse cowgirl
Elizabeth Olsen
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UPDATE: AND I HAVE FORGOTTEN SOMETHING: Again, in half of this Video we do NOT see her face only "her" back, / the back of the body double. And... AND (!!!!) in the First Minutes we also do not see her, we see the Guy entering the Appartment, speaking with her, trying to make a drink, and all that. Without Sex. So half of the Video we do not see her face. So 100 % - 50 % = 50 %. But wait. Again, in the First Minutes we also do not see her nude or making out / having sex. So 50 % in half is 25 %.
I do not want to be nitpicking, but because in only 25 % of this Video we see her doing sex, with her face seen. I kinda, sorta dislike the Video. The Sex Part where we can see her Face is too short, everything else is too long. Sorry.
I am kinda, sorta gratefull that this nice Video exist. That it was made. But I kinda, sorta only like the First half of this Video, because in the Second half we didn't see here face. Pity. The Second half of this Video was a POV Video and she was riding him backwards so we do not see here face. Pity. Next time maybe, choose a better source material. But otherwise good.