(TWICE) Jihyo Deepfake (Freeze Time Sex) 딥페이크 지효
Duration: 9:50
Views: 500K
Submitted: 6 years ago
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Jihyo Deepfake
Yes, you've read it right. The video above is a Jihyo Deepfake. The wonderful, memorable Korean singer and actress Juhyo is finally caught on camera having sex as part of her trial for a porn job. The K-pop idol is seen on the video playing a role of a reporter who gets fucked right there in the news studio as a part of a Freeze Time routine, as I'm sure you have seen in other pornographic films. This masterpiece finally puts Jihyo in an embarrassing and exposing position. And you know that there is nothing better than private pictures or footage of Korean superstars doing something naughty.
지효 딥페이크
TWICE 트와이스
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do this with eunha, i think it'll suit the hair better
Use the same video but with momo face please
Want to see TWICE momo
Me too I can't watch
꼭 평생 저런 몸매 보지도못할것들이 이딴댓글담ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
우유통이 작아서 다른사람인줄 알았다, 얼굴 합성 잘 해놔도 피부 우유통같은게 다르면 좆이 죽는다. 카스미하루카에 쯔위같은거나 더 해라
I can’t watch this video and my Internet is nice